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  • Analog, Digital, MCU, RF, Symbolic simulation
  • Spice, IBIS, HDL and S-parameter models
  • VHDL, VHDL-AMS, Verilog, Verilog-A & AMS, SystemVerilog, SystemC
  • Monte-Carlo, Worst Case & Stress Analysis
  • Interactive simulation and animation
  • Virtual Instruments
  • PCB Design with 3D view
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Mixed HDL Simulation
  • VHDL, VHDL-AMS, Verilog, SystemC
  • VHDL and Verilog Debugger
  • Verilog-A, Verilog-AMS and SystemVerilog
  • Spice & HDL in same Circuit
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SMPS Simulation
  • Fast multi-core analysis
  • Large number of SMPS devices
  • DC, AC and Transient Analysis
  • Startup, Input and load step
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Microcontroller Simulation
  • MCU simulation in digital and mixed circuits
  • Hex, ASM, C, Flowchart programming
  • Hex, ASM, C, Flowchart Debugger
  • PIC, AVR, ARM, ST, XMC, 8051, over 1400 MCUs
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Flexible Licensing Options
  • Use in office and at home
  • Use while you are mobile
  • Educational site licenses
  • Industrial site licenses
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Integrated PCB design
  • Fully integrated design system
  • Autoplacement & autorouting
  • Gerber and G-code output
  • Flexible PCB layout, Enclosure
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TINACloud Interface
  • Upload your designs to TINACLOUD
  • Run anywhere on any platforms
  • Download projects from TINACloud to PC
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Circuit Simulator for Analog, Digital, MCU and RF Circuits

Offline Circuit Simulation with TINA

Offline Circuit Simulation with TINA

TINA Design Suite is a powerful yet affordable circuit simulator, circuit designer and PCB design software package for analyzing, designing, and real time testing of analog, digital, IBIS, HDL, MCU, and mixed electronic circuits and their PCB layouts. You can also analyze SMPS, RF, communication and optoelectronic circuits; generate and debug MCU code using the integrated flowchart tool; and test microcontroller applications in a mixed circuit environment. Off-line licenses of TINA include free private on-line licenses for one year. You can analyze your circuit through more than 20 different analysis modes or with 10 high tech virtual instruments. Present your results in TINA’s sophisticated diagram windows, on virtual instruments, or in the live interactive mode where you can even edit your circuit during operation, develop, run, debug and test HDL & MCU applications. Electrical engineers will find TINA an easy to use, high performance tool, while educators will welcome its unique features for the training environment. Click here to download free demo for evaluation

Online Circuit Simulation with TINACloud

Online Circuit Simulation with TINACloud

With the TINACloud on-line circuit simulator, in addition to the installable versions, now you can also edit and run your schematic designs and their PCB layouts online on PCs, Macs, thin clients, tablets, smart phones, smart TVs and e-book readers without any installation. You can use TINACloud in the office, classroom, at home and while travelling, anywhere in the world that has internet access. For limited time we are offering a FREE bundle of TINACloud with all new private licenses of TINA.
Learn more about TINACloud at

Model Development

Model Development

As a software company with extensive experience in circuit simulation and as a company that licenses circuit simulator software to the largest semiconductor companies in the world, DesignSoft has a unique insight as well as experience in developing device models. Our software and modeling capability support SPICE, VHDL, VHDL-AMS, Verilog, Verilog-A, Verilog-AMS, SystemVerilog, SystemC models and mixed circuit models of modern integrated circuits. We create syntax compatible models for TINA, PSpice, SIMetrix, LTSpice and other simulators. Devices include Opamps, discrete semiconductors (diodes, MOSFETs, IGBTS etc.) SMPS ICs, LED drivers, AD and DA converters, Microcontrollers (ARM, PIC, AVR, XMC etc.) and more. As the developer of TINA, one of the fastest simulators on the market, we have a deep understanding of the simulation algorithms allowing us to advance accurate and time efficient device models. If you need model development services, please contact us.
Spice Simulation

Spice and PWL Simulation

TINA is one of the most powerful and best converging Spice simulator on the market. It includes both Berkely Spice and XSpice based Spice engines, supports most Spice dialects with parallelized processing and precompiled models. In addition to the large Spice component libraries in TINA,you can create new TINA components from any Spice subcircuit, whether created by yourself, downloaded from the Internet, obtained from a manufacturer’s CD or from portions of schematics turned into subcircuits. TINA automatically represents these subcircuits as a rectangular block, but you can create any shape you like with TINA’s Schematic Symbol Editor. You can also use TINA’s parameter extractor program to calculate model parameters from catalog or measurement data and then add the new devices into the catalog. From TINA v14, circuits described in Schematic or Spice format can be also analyzed using Piecewise Linear (PWL) algorithms with automatic linearization of semiconductors and Spice functions. Depending on the structure of the models PWL analysis may result in significant acceleration of transient analysis. PWL Analysis is also very useful at the new Multisine Analysis which allows calculation of the frequency response of circuits without linearization using Transient Analysis,
ADC & DAC Simulation

ADC & DAC Simulation

TINA includes models for modern DAC and ADC converters (SAR and Sigma-Delta) of leading manufactures (Analog Devices, Maxim Integrated and Texas Instruments) with parallel and SPI interface. Now you can add IBIS models to analyse signal integrity. Note modeling ADCs and DACs of high complexity is a unique feature of TINA as very few software on the market can simulate complete DACs and ADCs at all.
VHDL, Verilog, SystemC Support

VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog, SystemC Support

TINA includes all major analog, digital and mixed Hardware Description Languages: VHDL, VHDL-AMS, Verilog, Verilog-A, Verilog AMS, SystemVerilog and SystemC to verify designs in analog, digital and mixed-signal analog-digital environments. Your circuits can contain editable HDL blocks from the libraries of TINA and Xilinx or other HDL components created by yourself or downloaded from the Internet. TINA compiles HDL into highly efficient machine code or you can use precompiled SystemC components for speed optimization. You can freely combine HDL and Spice macros and the schematic components of TINA. Also you can edit the HDL source of any HDL components then simulate and see the result instantly. With the built in HDL debugger you can execute the HDL code step-by-step, add breakpoints, watchpoints, display variable information and more. In addition to the large component libraries in TINA, you can create new TINA components from HDL subcircuits.
Microcontroller (MCU) Simulation

Microcontroller (MCU) Simulation

TINA also includes a wide range of microcontrollers (PIC, AVR, 8051, HCS, ARM, ST, Arduino, XMC), more then 1400 parts, which you can test, debug and run interactively in mixed circuit environment using circuit simulation. The built in MCU assembler allows you to modify your assembler code and see the result promptly. You can also program and debug MCUs with the built-in flowchart tool or in C, using external C compilers and other code generators, including Microchip XC8, MATRIX FLOWCODE, Infineon’s DAVE for XMC & Arduino.
Circuit Design with Optimization

Circuit Designer with Optimization

Using TINA’s built-in Optimization and circuit designer tool unknown circuit parameters can be determined automatically so that the network can produce a predefined target output values, minimum or maximum. Optimization is useful not only as a circuit designer tool, but also in teaching, to construct examples and problems. It is a very good tool to refine the results provided by a circuit design procedure or tune already working circuits. You can also optimize your circuit with the built in unique circuit Designer Tool of TINA working with Design Equations which you can add to any circuit.
Integrated PCB design

Integrated PCB design

TINA also includes a powerful PCB designer software. The fully layout module of TINA has all the features you need for advanced PCB design, including multilayer PCB’s with split power plane layers, powerful autoplacement & autorouting, rip-up and reroute, manual and “follow-me” trace placement, DRC, forward and back annotation, pin and gate swapping, keep-in and keep-out areas, copper pour, thermal relief, fanout, 3D view of your PCB design from any angle, Gerber file output and much more. You can also import 3D Enclosure models in industry standard formats, visualize along with your PCB design and print in 3D.
Simulated & Real-time measurements with Virtual Instruments

Simulated & Real-time measurements with Virtual Instruments

In addition to the classic analysis tools, TINA includes a wide range of virtual instruments: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Multimeter, Signal Analyzer/Bode Plotter, Network Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer, Digital Signal Generator, XY Recorder, Efficiency-, Average value- and Frequency meters. You can use these virtual instruments to make simulated measurements on your circuit in TINA or, if supplementary hardware is connected to your computer, turn your laptop or desktop computer into a powerful real-time test and measurement instrument and make measurements on real circuits.
LabXplorer & TINALab II multifunction PC Instruments

LabXplorer & TINALab II multifunction PC Instruments

TINA is much more than a circuit simulator with virtual instruments. Using the LabXplorer & TINALab II high speed PC instruments you can turn your laptop or desktop computer into a powerful, multifunction test and measurement instrument. Whichever instrument you need multimeter, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, arbitrary waveform generator, or digital signal generator it is at your fingertips with a click of the mouse. In addition TINALab II can be used with TINA for comparison of simulation and measurement results as a unique tool for circuit development, troubleshooting, and the study of analog and digital electronics.
Educational tools

Educational tools

TINA also includes unique tools for testing students’ knowledge, monitoring progress and introducing troubleshooting techniques using its educational capabilities.Our Free DC/AC Course is also part of TINA and TINACloud. Here you can learn Basic Circuit Theory including such important topics as Superposition theorem, Kirchhoff’s laws and much more. With optional hardware TINA can be used to test real circuits for comparison with the results obtained from simulation. With the Live 3D breadboard tool you can automatically build a life-like 3D picture of a solderless breadboard. When you run TINA in interactive mode, components like switches, LEDs, instruments, etc. become “live” and will work on the virtual breadboard just as in reality. You can use this capability of TINA to prepare and document lab experiments. You can also use the integrated Flowchart Editor and Debugger to generate and debug the MCU code, learning and teaching microcontroller programming.


Logo of Infineon technologies

We successfully launched Infineon Designer powered by TINACloud as an online prototyping tool supporting our customers in selecting the right product for a defined application in a very short time. TINACloud is easy to use, runs without installation in any WEB browser extremely stable and fast. It serves Infineon’s broad application portfolio ranging from power to mixed-signal and RF designs.

Norbert Imlig
Online Marketing Manager, Infineon Technologies AG

Tina v12 what our clients say
TI logo

TINA SPICE is an excellent circuit simulator. It converges quickly and has an intuitive graphical interface. New engineers have a very short learning curve when using this powerful tool.

Arthur Kay
Texas Instruments, Linear Applications Manager
High Performance Linear

Tina v12 what our clients say
Logo of Maxim

I have used many different “flavors” of Spice over the past 25 years. Over the last several years, my use of spice has been infrequent. Having to go back and relearn/recall how to use most spice tools is a chore. Tina, however is so intuitive that it takes virtually no time to get going again. In my experience it is, by far, the most intuitive and easy to use simulation tool on the market. It is ideal for the novice or occasional user AND it has all the capability a power user would need.

Mark Fortunato
Senior Principal MTS, Communications and
Automotive Solutions Group, Maxim Integrated

Tina v12 what our clients say
Logo of Texas Instruments

I’ve used many simulators, but none as easy to use or as fast as TINA. TINA’s multi-core support and enhanced convergence algorithms make simulation blazingly fast. I’ve modeled CM, VM, adaptive on-time converters of virtually every topology – resonant, PWM and quasi-resonant and simulations complete in seconds that previously took minutes! TINA’s interactive mode, symbolic analysis, interpreter, wizards, and design tools make TINA even more powerful! Import PSpice models seamlessly!

John Rice
Power Applications Engineer at Texas Instruments

Tina v12 what our clients say
Logo of Edinburgh Napier University

I have taught analog electronics at university level, using many different Spice front-ends – since it was a ‘deck of cards’. Over the last decade or so TINA has been my preferred circuit capture and analysis tool for electrical teaching, project work and some professional applications. TINA is intuitive to use, supportive in the process of correcting errors, and produces results very quickly. TINA has powerful analysis tools which assist in the understanding of circuit operation. It also has a very direct route to circuit realization. Our students adopt TINA as a versatile tool in their first year of electronic design and apply it throughout their degree course. It represents very good value.

Dr. T. David Binnie
Head of Engineering Research
School of Engineering and the Built Environment

Tina v12 what our clients say
Logo of Mirea
MIREA – Russian Technological University

I have taught electrical engineering, electronics and Computer-Aided Design (EDA) for more than 40 years at Moscow Technological University (MIREA). In my classes I have used numerous programs for modeling electronic circuits – from Electronics Workbench to OrCAD and SystemC. I am confident that for teaching electrical engineering and electronics TINA is the best software available. TINA has a very friendly graphical user interface, with simple settings and setup of simulations. All information about the circuit is enclosed in a single file, simulations are performed very quickly and accurately, with results displayed, so the process is easily mastered by students.

Alekhin Vladimir Alexandrovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Moscow Technological University (MIREA)

Tina v12 what our clients say
Logo of Obudai University

We use the TINACloud program in classes for our correspondence courses. It is easy to use, works on all platforms and provides our students with easy access anytime and anywhere. Using TINACloud students are able to compare circuit simulation results with practical measurements conducted in laboratory. This makes long distance teaching and learning much more effective for our university.

Franciska Hegyesi
Office of Digital Teaching and Learning, Office Director
Óbuda University, Budapest

Tina v12 what our clients say

Our Partners

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Logo of NASA Logo of MIT lincoln laboratory Logo of Rockwell collins Inc Logo of jet propulsion laboratory Logo of Fermilab: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Logo of Siemens medical solutions
Logo of Bayer Healthcare LLC Logo of honeywell life safety systems Logo of company Applied Materials Logo of Edinburgh Napier University Logo of university of west of scotland Logo of San Francisco state university
Logo of western washington university Logo of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences Logo of motilal nehru institute of technology Logo of national institute of technology raipur Logo of yokohama national university Logo of ngee ann polytechnic
Logo of institute of applied technology Logo of tsinghua university Logo of nanchang institute of technology Logo of moscow technological university Logo of wroclaw university of technology Logo of obodai university
ASML The world's supplier to the semiconductor industry BAE Systems Internationa  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Chroma ATE Inc
Logo of Texas Instruments Logo of Infineon technologies apple title
Logo of Boeing aerospace company Logo of airbus defence and space Logo of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Logo of NASA Logo of MIT lincoln laboratory Logo of rockwell collins Inc
Logo of jet propulsion laboratory Logo of Fermilab: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Logo of siemens medical solutions
Logo of Bayer Healthcare LLC Logo of honeywell life safety systems Logo of company Applied Materials
Logo of edinburgh Napier University Logo of university of west of scotland Logo of san francisco state university
Logo of western washington university Logo of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences Logo of motilal nehru institute of technology
Logo of national institute of technology raipur Logo of yokohama national university Logo of ngee ann polytechnic
Logo of institute of applied technology Logo of tsinghua university Logo of nanchang institute of technology
Logo of moscow technological university Logo of wroclaw university of technology Logo of obodai university
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Available both Offline and Online
Popular both in Industry and Education
Covers the Entire Electronics

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