The rail- to- rail input and output characteristics of these CMOS op amps allow them to swing very close to their supply rails–+5V and ground. By forcing U1 to operate as an inverting amplifier when the input voltage is negative (by the “ideal clamp” circuit of U2 and D1) and allowing it to operate as a normal noninverting amplifier when the input voltage is positive, op amp U1 acts like a perfect rectifier. This design can be biased above ground, handy in single supply circuits referenced to V+/2. This absolute value amplifier has unity gain an input range of within a few mV of -5V to +5V. For a faster amplifier, use an OPA354 for U1 & U2 and a small Schottky diode for D1. The dual amplifier versions, OPA2364 or OPA2354 can also be used. (Circuit is created by David Jones & Neil P. Albaugh, TI- Tucson)
Single Supply Absolute Value Amplifier (2) circuit:
Single Supply Absolute Value Amplifier (2) circuit
Online Simulation of the “Single Supply Absolute Value Amplifier (2)” Circuit
The great feature of the TINA circuit simulator that you can analyze this circuit immediately with TINACloud the online version of TINA. Of course you can also run this circuit in the off-line version of TINA.
This “Capacitive Load Demo” circuit shows the utility of Tina- TI’s “Control Object” function. The series compensation resistor R1 is stepped in values of 10, 30, and 50 ohms. The effect on the op amp’s overshoot is shown clearly in the plot below. Likewise, the compensation capacitor C1 or the load capacitance CL can be stepped in value and the effects evaluated. (Circuit is created by Neil P. Albaugh TI – Tucson)
Capacitive Load Demo circuit:
Online Simulation of the “Capacitive Load Demo” Circuit
The great feature of the TINA circuit simulator that you can analyze this circuit immediately with TINACloud the online version of TINA. Of course you can also run this circuit in the off-line version of TINA.
Applying a small amount of positive feedback to the input bias current return resistor R3 effectively raises the apparent input resistance seen by an input signal. Without feedback the input resistance is R3 (1M) in parallel with the input resistance of U1 (1E13 ohms); positive feedback applied through the voltage divider R1 & R2 multiplies the effective input impedance of R3 by creating a smaller differential voltage across the resistor. The pole frequencies of various feedback fractions are illustrated by the AC analysis below. A piezoelectric transducer or condenser microphone is modeled by VG1 in series with capacitor C1. Without bootstrapping (positive feedback), the low- frequency cutoff is 1.8kHz but by placing a 100 ohm resistor at R1, this cut-off frequency drops to 2Hz, illustrating the increased Rin. This does not come without penalty, however. Adding bootstrapping also increases the noise gain of the op amp, multiplying its Vos, drift, and noise. Adding a LARGE capacitor in series with R1 can eliminate the amplified DC offset and drift but the low frequency noise will still suffer. Approach large + feedback fractions with caution; instability and susceptibility to external noise pickup can result. (Circuit is created by Neil P. Albaugh, TI – Tucson)
Bootstrapped Input For High Impedance circuit:
Bootstrapped Input For High Impedance circuit
Online Simulation of the “Bootstrapped Input For High Impedance” Circuit
The great feature of the TINA circuit simulator that you can analyze this circuit immediately with TINACloud the online version of TINA. Of course you can also run this circuit in the off-line version of TINA.
This circuit is a Howland voltage-controlled current source. It is scaled to provide a 20mA output current with a +1V input voltage. This type of current source can be very useful in industrial applications. A R-R output op amp with an input common-mode range that includes its negative supply rail, such as an OPA251, is required for single- supply operation. For V+ supply over 12V, use Zetex ZXTN2010G (60V, 3W, SOT223, HFE = 100 min). Re- scaling this circuit with other transistors can result in output current capability of a many amps. (Circuit is created by Neil P. Albaugh, TI – Tucson)
Voltage-Controlled Current Source Circuit:
Online Simulation of the “Voltage-Controlled Current Source” Circuit
The great feature of the TINA circuit simulator that you can analyze this circuit immediately with TINACloud the online version of TINA. Of course you can also run this circuit in the off-line version of TINA.
This “10Hz Active Low-Pass Filter” circuit offers a very low frequency cutoff and it has the ability to operate on single supply voltages. As shown, this is a second- order unity- gain Butterworth low- pass filter using a Sallen- Key topology. One advantage of a Sallen- Key LPF over one configured as a Multiple Feedback LPF is that it is non-inverting–therefore an input signal with a positive DC offset can be accomodated. A low input bias current op amp is required for a very low frequency low- pass filter as the R values are necessarily high. Thermal noise contributed by these resistors, however, can be reduced by reducing their values by an order of magnitude together with increasing the capacitor values by an order of magnitude. Resistor thermal noise will thereby be decreased by the square- root of 10. (Circuit is created by Neil P. Albaugh, TI – Tucson )
10Hz Active Low-Pass Filter circuit:
Online Simulation of the “10Hz Active Low-Pass Filter” Circuit
The great feature of the TINA circuit simulator that you can analyze this circuit immediately with TINACloud the online version of TINA. Of course you can also run this circuit in the off-line version of TINA.