DesignSoft at the BETT Show 2018 in London: The first and second day

DesignSoft at the BETT Show, London 2018.

Visit our stand: B61

2nd day:

Please also visit our Presentations taking place at Stand: C184 

Hungary SCHOOLBUS  area

Play! Learn! Succeed! at the following scheduled times:

Friday 26 Jan 15:00

Saturday 27 Jan 11:30

1st day:


See you soon!

DesignSoft at the BETT Show 2018 in London

DesignSoft at the BETT Show 2018 in London

We cordially invite you to visit DesignSoft’s stand at the BETT Show, the largest education technology event in the world.

24-27, January 2018, EXCEL London, UK

Stand: B61

We are looking forward to meet you at our stand, where we will present our latest versions of TINA, TINACloud, LabXplorer, EDISON & NEWTON.

Please also visit our presentations taking place at Stand: C184 SCHOOLBUS area at the following scheduled times:

Thursday 25 Jan 15:30

Friday 26 Jan 15:00

Saturday 27 Jan 11:30



See you soon!


Season Sales of TINA v11.2 with lot of new features

Dear Valued Customer,

Your favorite circuit simulation application just got better with the new release of TINA v11.2.

This version supports a lot of exciting new technologies responding to the requests we’ve received from our customers.

Some of the many things we’ve worked on since the release of v11 include the followings:

What’s new in TINA v11.2?
  • D-Class Amplifiers with Stereo Playback capability
  • Extended Arduino library and application examples (Mega, Micro. Mini, Nano, Uno)
  • 114 new AVR MCU models
  • Atmel Studio C compiler integration
  • New Sigma-Delta converters
  • Arduino based Internet of Things (IoT) interface and examples
  • 2-Line LCD display
  • Extended stress analysis for spice macros
  • Ripple calculation for given part of curves
  • Export of Diagrams in CSDF file format (Common Simulation Data Format)
  • New hotkeys and undo/redo for ease of use
  • learn more or click here to watch the video on TINA v11.2 new features
What was new in TINA v11?
  • Windows 10 compatibilty
  • 8,000+ new parts, including power electronics devices
  • Industrial Power, Lighting, Motor Control application circuits
  • SystemC support, add your own MCU with SystemC
  • Transient Noise Analysis
  • BSIM4 model
  • New analysis mode: Batch simulation (Analysis.Batch Simulation…)
  • Faster MCU simulation, real time simulation of delays
  • Global parameters in Classic & Educational editions
  • Advanced DRC isolation parameters and Z-ordering for copper shapes for PCBs
  • and much more
For owners of TINA v11.0 and v11.1 our latest release is now accessible free of charge via the “Help->Check for updates” menu.

For upgrades from older versions please check our special upgrade prices at

For a complete list of new features and improvements from TINA v6 to v11 see the TINA v11 News or watch the video

End-of-Year Promotion

For those of you who have not yet upgraded to any of our TINA 11 versions, you can catch up now by taking advantage of our Year 2017 Promotion.

As when you purchase any TINA 11 upgrade you will also get:

  • 30% discount from all prices,
  • Software licenses for 3 computers for all download versions,
  • Online, TINACloud license for 3 years for all platforms, and
  • Free HDL package (VHDL, Verilog, Verilog A & AMS) for the Educational, Classic and Industrial versions
This offer is valid till midnight Dec 31, 2017.

Are you worried about your holiday presents? It is still not late to order TINA as a gift for your friends or for yourself! Just order your copy now and download within a day.

Thank you for being our customer and we look forward to serving you for many years to come.

DesignSoft Team,

Creation and Simulation of a Capacitance Multiplier circuit with TINACloud

Creation and Simulation of a Capacitance Multiplier circuit with TINACloud

In this tutorial video

we will present how to create and simulate a “Capacitance multiplier circuit using TINACloud.

A “capacitance multiplier” circuit can increase the effective value of a small capacitor C1 to a much larger value.

The capacitance seen at Vout is: Cout = C1 * R1/R3. The output capacitance can be verified by placing an AC source in series with a resistor tied to Vout and running an AC frequency response analysis.

We will show later on that the circuit behaves as if the C1 capacitor were multiplied by 1000, in the the R1C1 low pass circuit.

Watch our tutorial video to learn more.

Creation and Simulation of a Capacitance Multiplier circuit with TINACloud

Visit now to purchase TINA with 20% discount and get 1 year TINACloud access for free.

Download the FREE trial demo of TINA Design Suite and get:

One year free access to TINACloud (the cloud-based, multi-language, installation-free online version of TINA  running in your browser anywhere in the world.)

An immediate 20% discount from the offline version of TINA Free license for your second computer, laptop etc.

Click here to download the FREE trial demo of TINA

DesignSoft Team