Online Microcontroller circuit simulation using TINACloud

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TINACloud supports a lot of (PIC, AVR, Arduino, 8051, HCS, STM, ARM, TI-Tiva, TI-Sitara, Infineon-XMC) microcontrollers; new MCUs are constantly being added. You can see and modify the program running in the processor and, of course, you can create your own code.

The MCU circuit simulation mode of TINACloud is very similar to the same mode in the offline version of TINA described here

Running an MCU code

The following schematic is using the 16F73 PIC microcontroller.

Click the picture to run this circuit online with TINACloud

This circuit simply counts forward one-by-one. Press the Dig button to see how it works. The display should step forward one-by one

Click the MCU component and then the … button to see the “ASM code” line

A Property dialog will appear with the editable ASM code in it.

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