Noise Analysis

Noise Analysis

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In TINA there are two models of noise analysis available:

  • Small signal AC Noise Analysis
  • Transient Noise Analysis

Small signal AC Noise Analysis

In this Analysis mode TINA calculates the noise contributions of circuit components and then presents them referred to the output in frequency domain. 

The random noise fluctuations are analyzed statistically, considering the time domain average to be zero, while the variance and sum of the squares are not zero.

Noise analysis results can be displayed and printed over a frequency range similar to the Bode diagram of AC analysis.

Transient Noise Analysis

Noise effects are usually simulated with linear AC noise analysis which is also available in TINA. However when the noise influences the system behavior in a nonlinear way, linear noise analysis is no more satisfactory and transient noise analysis, that is simulation in the time domain, is necessary.

Here are a few examples:

Noise analysis of oscillator circuits

Analysis of noise effects in digital circuits

Analysis of circuits with noisy input signals

Analysis of systems with low signal-to-noise ratio

The voltage and current generators of TINA now include a parameterizable white noise signal, and in the Noise Analysis folder of TINA application circuits are available to generate other typical noise signals, which make transient noise analysis possible

Noise Analysis, Relaxation Oscillator Noise
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